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歌曲名:Angels 歌手:G-Unit 专辑:Wanna Get To Know You Akon - Angel I'm looking at an angel我在寻找一位天使 And believe me when I say请相信我所说的话 She got that whole place blowing她让所到之处为之动容 She got that whole place glowing,glowing,glowing她让所到之处发光 I'm looking at an angel我在寻找一位天使 And believe me when I say请相信我所说的 She got that whole place glowing她让所到之处发光 And she's high in the sky singing,singing她在高空中放声歌唱 Way above the clouds in the sky singing在云层之上歌唱 She got wings she got a halo她有翅膀,她有光环 It seems to me so unnatural在我看来如此不自然 Cos that's one thing that I just don't know因为有一样东西我不知道 What seems to be so incredible那东西似乎是什么太不可思议了 She looked at me took me by surprise yeaaahh她看着我,我感到无比的诧异 As if she took me by the hand就像她拉着我的手 to some foreign land把我带到了异国他乡 And had me way up让我一路走来 Way above the clouds in the sky singing一路在云端之上放声歌唱 Singing my song yeah yeah唱出我的心声吧 From dust til dawn yeah yeah一直到从尘埃散尽到光明出现 I know you got a lot on your mind我知道你的心里埋藏了很多秘密 But it won't be long yeah yeah但那不会持续很久的 You always get better yeah yeah你会越来越好 And I may be wrong yeah yeah可能我错了吧 It never across the line你超越了自己 before they make it home yeah yeah在他们回去之前 Singing my song yeah yeah唱出我的心声吧 From dust til dawn yeah yeah一直到从尘埃散尽到光明出现 I know you got a lot on your mind我知道你的心里埋藏了很多秘密 But it won't be long yeah yeah但那不会持续很久的 You always get better yeah yeah你会越来越好 And I may be wrong yeah yeah可能我错了吧 It never across the line你超越了自己 before they make it home yeah yeah在他们回去之前 I'm looking at an angel我在寻找一位天使 And believe me when I say请相信我所说的 She got that whole place blowing她让所到之处为之动容 I'm looking at an angel我在寻找一位天使 And believe me when I say请相信我所说的 She got that whole place glowing她让所到之处发光 And she's high in the sky singing他就在云端里,放声歌唱 ohhhhhhh 制作此歌词只是想让更多人了解 多谢eelipse分享 http://music.baidu.com/song/8269384
我的一点理解,Hip-Hop或Rap音乐是从街头发展起来的,早期的美国黑人在街头进行Freestyle的时候,因为各自代表某个集团或组织,所以要在你的Rap前面加上一些自己的介绍,比如:自己所在的城市或地区+自己的名字或绰号+自己组织的名字!有许多歌曲都可以反映这一点,最明显的就是G-Unit,其中成员Lloyd Banks在歌曲On Fire中Intro部分
New York City!
You are now rocking with the best
Lloyd Banks! G Unit!
G-UNIT G-UNIT是纽约著名 Rapper 50 Cent推出的服装品牌, 50Cent曾在无数美国黑人乃至所有人心中留下深刻的印象,这不止是他那动听的说唱音乐,当然还有他那段充满传奇般的人生经历。同样标榜着出人头地,一鸣惊人的G-Uunit服装一经推出,火速燃烧整个北美市场,现在全球任何一个角落都能看到嘻哈少年身着标志性”G”logo招摇过市。最近G-Unit也出了女装线 G-Unit Girl。是女性嘻哈一族的福音。不用多多介绍的超级MC(50CENT)5毛的品牌!虽然当今艺人纷纷推出品牌并不是件很新鲜的事情,不过5毛作为G-UNIT的总监制与MARC ECKO合作推出了G-UNIT系列品牌。不断推陈出新.五颜六色的色彩搭配成为MARC ECKO最为明智的地方.在当今竞争非常激烈的服装领域中能占有一席之地.除了50CENT本身的魅力外.MARC ECKO流行时尚感觉是起了非常大的作用!可以说是一对优秀的合作伙伴! LRG LRG(Lifted Research Group)创立于1999年,URBAN style接近于HIPHOP SYTLE.由于其前卫的设计,成为了现在最火爆的牌子之一,服装风格摒弃传统嘻哈服饰宽大的设计,贴身剪裁,追求自然与人的统一。现在美国嘻哈乐坛当红炸子鸡Kayne West就是LRG的忠实fans。同时品牌也有很多滑板的人士做代言人。LRG最大的卖点也就是特点在于它本身的设计不仅仅包含音乐及 街头,也容入了家庭,欢乐,朋友,成功,聚会等等一系列的设计理念于一身! NEW ERA 在HIP-HOP界里面最有人气的帽款就是NEW ERA CAP了。好称世界上质量最好与设计最佳的专业棒球帽品牌。其宣传口号为“It's not a cap, it's a flag!”(这不是一顶普通的帽子,这是面旗帜!)。讲起NEW ERA CAP现在在纽约NYC人气最高的应该就是推出的BLACK OUT全黑款,近几年几乎所有的美国嘻哈音乐录影带里都有艺人配戴NEW ERA CAP。2004年NEW ERA CAP进驻中国市场,把最新的潮流概念带到我们身边。 SEAN JOHN SEAN JOHN创立于1991年,总部设于纽约。创始人是P.DIDDY AKA Sean Combs。SEAN JOHN自创立以来即走高档时装路线,迅速成为富有阶层追逐的品牌,并成为引领嘻哈服饰风潮的风向标,SEANJOHN的专卖店遍布世界各地,成为全球最有影响力的嘻哈服装品牌,用“君临天下”形容一点不夸张。2005年新推出了女装线Sean By Sean Combs.时尚界翘首以待。 Roca Wear ROCA WEAR创立于1999,由著名RAPPER JAY-Z及多位Roc-a-fella唱片公司rappers做形象代言人。CEO是Damon Dash和Jay-Z。ROCAWEAR在美国是数一数二的嘻哈品牌,甚至成为纽约嘻哈族的标志服饰。世界各大城市都有ROCA WEAR的专卖店. ROCAWEAR女装的形象代言人曾经是英国著名足球运动员贝克汉姆的妻子,辣妹维多利亚,在日本的女装代言人为嘻哈歌后安室耐美惠.嘻哈音乐中的王者JAY-Z所监制的ROCAWEAR品牌.出倒多年的ROCAWEAR与SEANJOHN,ENYCE,PHAT FARM,FUBU,ECKO等等都成为了国际大牌!ROCAWEAR的特点是讲流行的URBAN文化 音乐 时尚三者容为一体的设计理念,迷到了众多人士,也是众多嘻哈音乐人们所喜欢和追求的超级大牌之一!而同时ROCAWEAR旗下也拥有俩个副牌,SP&TEAM ROC! AkaDemiks AkaDemiks,(简称AKA), 中文发音,可能是 ”爱科待美克斯" MECCA, NIKEACG, 10 DEEP三大品牌的设计人员共同创造品牌AKADEMIKS,由于有三大品牌的设计背景,AKADEMIKS的风格也不单单淤泥于HIPHOP,有着更广阔的设计空间,AKADEMIKS品牌融会了接头文化,嘻哈文化,户外文化,三大文化融合在一起,而AKADEMIKS最强之处在于起本身品派的硬朗风格设计.获得了众多接头文化爱好者 嘻哈歌手们的喜爱!使之成为一款国际品牌! 品牌代言人曾为纽约说唱歌手Fabolous和著名音乐制作人DJ Clue。 AZZURE 欧洲街头新锐设计师以美国街头文化为蓝本创造出来的新锐品牌(AZZURE)原意取之意大利语(蓝色)之意.同时也AZZURE也意味着DENIM原来的本色INDIGO(靛蓝) 而AZZURE品牌中的JEANS绝对是AZZURE的看家法宝.多年来对于JEANS文化不断的创新追求,.使其本身有着与其他完全不同的风格.也是AZZURE最大卖点之一. 非常出色的URBAN WEAR FIT设计款式.成为时下众多街头文化人士们的喜爱.而AZZURE恰好给人们提供了这样的商品! Pelle Pelle Mark cabNan,1978年设立了Pelle Pelle品牌起初以皮甲克起家的Pelle Pelle,制造出了非常结实款式非常时尚的皮衣被人们所认同和所熟知.而后.一跃成为美国街头文化的代表性品牌.现今的Pelle Pelle已经成长为一加年销售额在2亿美金的超级服装品牌.15年的Pelle Pelle登陆亚洲的日本和韩国.独特的设计风格+硬朗的设计风格,决定了Pelle Pelle品牌在HIPHOP文化中的地位! ENYC 嘻哈老牌中的MACCA设计人员创建的品牌,融合了NYC的风格+EU(欧洲风格) E(欧洲)NYC(纽约)E(欧洲)+ENYCE.高质量+非常优秀的设计款式,奠定了当今ENYCE的地位.也使之成为国际大牌! KARL KANI 出身于NYC Brooklyn区的设计师KARL KANI,1989成立KARL KANI品牌,简约的设计理念+众多的款式+NYC的时尚.从街头 到高级时装,都有着KARL KANI的背影.成为一个让你无法挑剔的品牌.而最具有说服力的K-LIFE系列.也决定了KARL KANI在嘻哈文化中 的TOP地位! PHAT FARM DEF JAM创始人Russell Symons成功的确立了DEFJAM嘻哈音乐厂牌在美国及世界的地位之后,在1992年也同时推出了其监制的服装品牌PHAT FARM,出倒已经10多年的PHATFARM已经不单单是一个街头流行文化品牌的代表,在1998年初PHAT FARM推出了时装系列,让世人眼前一亮.也证明了PHAT FARM开始走高端路线的风格。而Russell Symons的太太所监制的BABY PHAT也获得了众多时尚女青年们的喜爱!! INDIGO-RED INDIGO原意为DENIM(牛仔布)的原色(INDIGO). 0cen等嘻哈艺人在穿着INDIGO-RED品牌的JEANS拍色MV录影带在全美各大音乐流行排行榜上反复播放的同时,也带动了INDIGO-RED 品牌的人气.也许这里有不少朋友不了解的一点是INDIGO-RED其实是和AZZURE属于同一家企画公司的品牌!AZZURE获得了巨大成功后, INDIGO-RED也获得了兄弟品牌的不少帮助!而INDIGO-RED品牌就是以牛仔裤为主的品牌.出倒至今也夺取了不少大牌的市场份额! SEANJOHN BAD BOY团体的领袖人物P-DIDDY所监制的超人气品牌SEANJOHN,不仅仅是个普通的街牌,也是众多嘻哈街牌中的王者!NYC拥有众多URBAN BRAND,而SEANJOHN一直是他们要超越而无法超越的URBAN BRAND! NESTA BRAND 2000年进入URBANWEAR主流市场的NESTA BRAND,其风格多少与LRG相识.也借鉴了加勒比沿海各国的风土人情.及冲浪,滑板,街头,等等风格元素的精华,出倒多年后,虽然没有太大的凡响。但 是也吸引了不少街头时尚青年们的注意及关注,不少大牌MC在演出时也曾经穿戴过其品牌!!!可以说NESTA BRAND是个不折不扣的INDIES BRAND! LIVE MECHANICS LRG的成功.让不少品牌也看到了后起之秀也不是那么好欺负的,.在众多潮牌中能杀出血路一条的经验.让LIVE MECHANICS学到了很多经验.2000年后期才进入主流市场的LIVE MECHANICS,来自美国西海岸的LA.风格也多少与LRG等一些品牌相识,其设计风格本身也融合了雷鬼 嘻哈的多元素精华.虽然出倒时间不长。但实 力不可小视.也是以后值得期待的STREET BRAND!在上海看到过不少LIVE MECHANICS的短T以及NO-sleeve! PEPE JEANS PEPE JEANS来自英国伦敦,早期一直以高级休闲服饰为主的PEPEJEANS,90年代中期进入美国主流市场.而后受到了众多嘻哈艺人们的喜爱.1999年 PEPE JEANS决定出品PEPE JEANS的街头系列!于是就有了今天的嘻哈服饰.其风格多以RE-MAKE(破坏加工及复古加工)而闻名! FUBU 1992年以核心人物Daymonde John为主的四人设计小组成功的推出了FUBU 系列品牌,很快便成为街头品牌的代表,也是一个当今毅然值得人们所怀念的品牌,虽然当今的FUBU大部分市场份额被其他品牌夺走.但FUBU当时所创造的 神话,是当今众多品牌所追求的目标. SOUTHPOLE 1991年SOUTHPOLE诞生在NYC一个由以黑人为主的企画公司.而后SOUTHPOLE出品了众多ORIGINAL设计款式.总体说来 SOUTHPOLE依然以SIMPLE ,BASIC风格为主.90年代中后及2000年初期邀请了众多大牌艺人担当模特.有B2K,MAEQUES HOUSETO,3LW等等.而在美国当今国内经过权威调查,穿戴SOUTHPOLE的艺人居然以雷鬼艺人为多! TRIPLE FIVE SOUL 在音乐服装俩个领域都有属于自己FANS的TFS.1989年踏入主流市场,而后不断的推出一些ORIGINAL STYLE,让众多品牌感到了巨大压力。TFS风格虽然不是很黑泡泡.不过他确实是一个非常棒非常纯粹的嘻哈街牌.90年代初期出倒的TFS就融合了街头 及黑人的风格以一身.经过不间断的推陈出新,到了90年末期已经是NYC各大潮牌中分量很重的一款!2002年进入著名涂鸦大师MARC ECKO旗下成为既ZOOYORK后ECKO集团又一大重要品牌!TFS的风格理念主要来自MUSIC,时下不少大牌DJ都会选择TFS,作为自己演出时 重要配件之一。它的风格以街头,军服,OLD SKOOL,户外,SPORTS等等为主! MISKEEN 也许不少朋友。不是很了解这个品牌!因为它是出倒多年而一直徘徊在NYC地下的一个非常有实力而且款式独特的系列涂鸦风格品牌。创始者是三个信仰伊斯蓝教 的阿拉伯后裔美国人。而MISKEEN是阿拉伯语(贫穷)的意思!MISKEEN主要是以涂鸦为主。而每件以上的涂鸦图案均有人工完成可以说每件衣服上的 款式都不同。这就是MISKEEN的最大卖点!在当今嘻哈乐坛不少大牌艺人纷纷选择MISKEEN。正是因为它的独特吸引了众多人们的注意与关注!而 2004年NIKE与MISKEEN合作推出一款非常棒的AF1别注系列球鞋可见MISKEEN的实力是多么的强! CLENCH JEANS 1994年CLENCH系列品牌诞生在美国新泽西州!CLENCH问世后便跟B-BOY结下了不结只缘.除了TRIBAL外..CLENCH便是B BOY们非常喜爱的一款著名街牌!运动风格设计及颜色搭配非常协调.使不少URBAN WEAR爱好者成为了CLENCH忠实的俘虏!众多大牌艺人纷纷选择CLENCH.其中BABY BASH更是成为CLENCH品牌国际代言人! STATE PROPERTY 作为ROCAWEAR旗下一款走底端市场的品牌.出倒多年后.而市场份额一点都不输给老大哥ROCAWEAR,也让SP品牌能够继续走到今天!SP系列品 牌最大特点便是其设计款式几乎都是同一尺码.大尺码的衣服.各自小的人士穿着非常COOL。而身体大的人士们穿着SP会显得非常合身!这变是SP能战胜众 多品牌最大的秘密武器!也是最被人们看好的品牌! JOHNNY BLAZE 1998年拥有Sir BenniMiles系列HIPHOPWEAR BRAND的ASTsports公司后台大老板Patric Ying与Lazzy Zimmer(外号:JOHNNY BLAZE)1998年连手合作在NYC推出了JOHNNY BLAZE系列品牌.起初是以街头户外为主的系列品牌。但是没想到的是,JOHNNY BLAZE在NYC诞生后被众多HIPHOP爱好者所穿戴,因此JOHNNY BLAZE的风格也就不再单纯是街头风格了而是改头换面便成为了今天的HIPHOP WEAR大家族里的重要成员之一! PURE PLAYAZ 1995年Pure Playaz系列品牌诞生在NYC一个不起眼的CLUB中。Pure Playaz原意就是指(FOR HIP HOPPER)而诞生的品牌,其中也被众多嘻哈艺人们所喜爱和强有力的支持,特别是WU-TANG CLAN的U-GOD给Pure Playaz帮助最大!同时Pure Playaz借着众多艺人们的支持开始走进主流服饰市场。经常能在各大主流媒体上看到穿戴着Pure Playaz品牌们的嘻哈艺人!证明了Pure Playaz完完全全是为了HIP HOPPER们而诞生的品牌! MECCA USA 嘻哈品牌中历史最长的品牌MECCA.早年是以衬衫为主的服装公司而后转型成为当今不可缺少的嘻哈大牌!而且当今众多品牌的不少设计人员都是来自 MACCA品牌。包括AKDMKS,ECKO,LRG,VOCAL等等!这些品牌中都有曾经MECCA的设计人员!MECCA的设计款式依然是以 SIMPLEBASIC为主!出倒多年来一直追求着原创设计风格的MECCA,被众多B BOY们所喜爱! MAKAVELI 众所周知MAKAVELI是TUPAC生前监制的属于自己的品牌.TUPAC死后MAKAVELI品牌开始分化成为俩种截然不同风格。一就是HI-END 系列,二依然是以街头为主的嘻哈风格。2004年在美国拉斯威加斯举行的一年一度的MAGIC SHOW街头服饰展览活动,MAKAVELI重拳出击,夺会了曾经属于自己的市场份额!MAKAVELI主体风格依然是以TUPAC的照片肖像为主!虽然 比较老套,但是TUPAC在众多人们眼中是当今谁都无法跨越的嘻哈歌手! ECKO 也叫犀牛或红犀牛,美国著名街头涂鸦艺人MARC ECKO在80年活跃在美国及世界各地街头潮流中,而后成立ecko Limited公司.推出了当今嘻哈服饰届中分量绝对很重的超级大牌ecko Limited及ECKORED系列!在2003年又与50CENT合作推出G-UNIT系列。可见MARC ECKO的实力!而当今MARC ECKOE不仅拘泥于街头文化流行。更多的是在其他领域中一展拳脚! PNB NATION 1986年高中同学Blue and blaster俩个人俩手打造了PNB NATION的雏形,而后加入了涂鸦设计师。将PNB NATION引入到了国际品牌!其风格以HIPHOPWEAR特有的风格加入了,Military, work, 以及 sports等风格元素!但PNB NATION本身设计款式不是很多.每年只有夏冬俩季款式!可以说一款非常有个性的品牌。2004年PNB NATION进入上海.在上海(东方美纱)有其专柜! CROSS COLOURS 1988年CROSS COLOURS品牌的诞生,标志着最早的HIPHOPWEAR的诞生。1988年CROSS COLOURS出现在了NYC各大CLUB里!其风格以90年代初以OLD SKOOL&NEW SKOOL中间的风格(Middle SKOOL)为主.颜色基本以色彩鲜艳的为主.让人有一种很奢华的感觉同时又让人有一种成熟的感觉!而CROSS COLOURS最大卖点便是其品牌的Tee系列! PLAYERZ69 PLAYERZ69与美国西海岸的hip hop 同时诞生。很多西海岸hip hop 歌星“SNOOP DOGG","NATE DOGG"以他们独特的西海岸形象支持PLAYERZ69。自从PLAYERZ69成为唯一的西海岸hip hop 服饰代表,它就一直以它杰出的西海岸风貌为世界各地提供优良品质的产品。PLAYERZ69致力于服饰的每一个细节和质地,并将持之以恒地为世界各地的 hip hop 爱好者带来有品有质的hip hop 服饰。 DADA 1995年以URBAN WEAR形式进入主流市场后,1998年成立了FOOT WEAR部门。以篮球,竞技,休闲为主的三大风格顿时吸引了众多HIPHOP爱好者们强有力的支持。2002年DADA将重点转向了篮球市场签掉了众多大 牌球员。包括(Chris Webber. Vlade Divac)等等。2002年NBA的ALL STAR比赛中就穿着DADA赞助的篮球系列让全世界的人们都知道了DADA的存在以及感觉到了DADA的魅力! P.MILLER 美国南岸嘻哈乐厂牌NO LIMIT的主宰MASTER-P所监制的HIPHOPWEAR BRAND,2000年进入竞争激烈的URBAN WEAR主流市场.在众多品牌当中能够获得众多人们的支持无疑是MASTER-P本身的魅力所在!而MASTER-P的儿子LILL.ROMEO也是 P.MILLER的强有力支持者!大家一定要CHECK
G-Unit其实是由2003年发迹的50 Cent领导的一个纽约土生土长的说唱乐团,和50 Cent一样,这支乐团也是组建在纽约的皇后区。从本质上来说,G-Unit只是50 Cent的一个后备团,甚至说是啦啦队也可以,G-Unit和50 Cent几乎没有差别,比如在今年的MTV颁奖典礼上虽然说是50 Cent表演的《21 Questions》,但是实际上却是整个G-Unit在表演。G-Unit成立比较早,在50 Cent爆发之前就已经成了很长时间了,最初只有三名成员,并不是照片上的三个人,而是50 Cent,Tony Yayo和Lloyd Banks,其中的Tony Yayo是比较富有经验的,他以前曾经跟随多位说唱明星做伴奏。三名成员在一起也是非常努力的创作和表演音乐,彼此间的配合也非常默契,同时他们还曾经录制国在小范围内播放的,非常受欢迎的磁带,但是在不久之后Tony Yayo因为非法持有枪支而被宣判入狱服刑,然后就由Young Buck代替了他在G-Unit乐团中的位置,并且一直继续表演和创作说唱音乐。
G-UNIT LYRICS Send "Wanna Get To Know You" Ringtone to Cell Phone "Wanna Get To Know You" [Chorus:] I wanna get to know you I really wanna fuck you, baby One dose of my lovin' I'm simply going to drive you crazy I wanna be your lover I wanna get to know you, baby One dose of my lovin' I'm really gonna drive you crazy [Young Buc] Im lovin' how you look in my eyes Swingin' them hips when you pass I'm visualizing my name tatooed on that ass baby Jump on this Harley Lets go smoke some of that Bob Marley Sip some Bacardi Then go pull up at the afterparty I think we make a perfect couple But you think I'm trouble Maybe thats the reason you gave me the wrong number She got me feeling like "maybe she the wrong woman" Think im'a be chasin' the chicken head you own somethin' Your toes painted hair fixed all the time And your Gucci boots the same color as mine If you read between the lines you can see that I want you I betcha I have you doin' what you said that you won't do Making decisions shorty good things don't last long Your girlfriend keep showin' me that thong Before I head home Im'a stop at your house and blow the horn If you come outside you know it's on (holla at your boy) [Chorus] [Lloyd Banks] Bitches be frustrated with the baller Wonder why I don't call her Maybe because I'm busy and she needs someone to spoil her It gets annoying from time to time I gotta ignore her In order to let her know we'll be friends and nothing more She loves it when I'm in town Hate it when I'm not around I get her and wear down Next door neighbors hear the sound Pictures hittin' the ground Just enough to hold us down I'm stickin' n' moving cruising after the third round Just lay back baby and let me drive you crazy I can make a 40 year old feel like a young lady I admit I fell in love with her frame And to make her feel special I let her call me by my government name Her panties wet over fame Fall in love with my chain I wonder if I wasn't an entertainer would she remain Surrounding me hounding me trying to be my only I'm not your boyfriend I'm your homie. [Chorus] [50 Cent] (Yeah) What would fuck me up more Watching her lick her lips Or watching her walk she hypnotize me with her hips (yeah) man I sweet talking her if she like Cause all she really want is a nigga to treat her right right Look I'm legit now used to break laws Now you can reap the benefit of world tours Big house big Benz girl it yours Mink coats Italian shoes stones with no flaws You ain't go to look like a model for me to adore you All you gotta do is love me and be loyal Don't Indulge in my past fuck what happened before you Cause their be some homies gonna hate you that never saw you Come here let my touch on you I let you touch on me Put my tounge on you you put your tounge on me Let me ride on you and you can ride on We can do it all the night We can have a balla tonight [Chorus] I wanna get to know you I wanna get to know you, baby One dose of my lovin' I'm simply gonna drive you, crazy I wanna be your lover I wanna get to know you, lady One dose of my lovin' I'm really gonna drive you, crazy [x2] I wanna be your lover I really understand you, baby I want to be your lover I really understand you, baby, baby, baby, baby. Send "Wanna Get To Know You" Ringtone to Cell Phone
歌手:G-Unit 歌曲:Beg for Mercy
G G G, G G G-Unit
No peace talks, no white flags
No mercy, I'm gettin yo ass
[50 Cent]
Niggas done heard about my click how we stay wit the toastas
Blood in, blood out, la kostra nostra
You don't wanna bang wit the best
I'll have Doc removin fragments from your chest
They say God's a forgivin' man, I hope he forgive
Thirty shells I let off don't curse my kid
They say Fifty done blew up, Fifty you changed
Nigga you stunt, I pull out
And you see I'm that same nigga that when he start to roar
I think he's flyin
Eight outta eight on movin targets
You run? You still dyin
Check my resume, I am oh so loco
Mama ain't raise no chump, I don't talk no pocco
[Chorus - 50 Cent/Lloyd Banks]
Sticks and stones may break bones and the shells may hurt me
But I take it like a man, you beg for mercy
Keep your eyes wide open, nigga's lookin for it too
Shit is real 'round here, you surrounded by crooks
Sticks and stones may break bones and the shells may hurt me
But I take it like a man, you beg for mercy
Keep your eyes wide open, nigga's lookin for it too
Shit is real 'round here, you surrounded by crooks
[Young Buck]
There once was some niggas that tried to murda me
I hit em up, put em in plastic surgery
This 4-5 has made a lot of guys apologize
The truth come out, 'stead of hearin' a lot of lies
Some niggas catch a case and then claim they hard
A couple chest wounds will make a nigga change his heart
I just play my part, and while you shootin up cars
I'm smokin' niggas like a Cuban cigar
Let's get it poppin'
[Lloyd Banks]
I'm tired of you niggas with your maybe beef
We gonna be here forever, you're temporary like baby teeth
I'm in and out the night clubs, A-D-D
Dark blue Benz, navy seats, eighty sneaks
These niggas tellin' out the blue
So you hang em off the bridge
At least they'll have to helicopter you
The Jimmy lived in the bags, the Bell or Hop will do
I rap for the neighborhood niggas that failed in high school
You can tell I came a long way in my sense, home grown
That's why them little niggas in the projects love me
You provide the beat downs for free, I paid my dues
I don't even freestyle for free
I gave em a break, flew over seas
But it's kinda hard to get homie-sick when there's blue in the trees
Sit back and try to play your role wit the copies
I put more staples in yo ass than a telephone pole, Yea
歌手:G-Unit 歌曲:I Smell Pussy
Son you smell that? What's that?
I smell pussy. Is that you Irv?
I smell pussy. Is that you Ja?
I smell pussy. Is that you Black?
I smell pussy. Is that you Tah?
Y'all niggas is pussy
I'm ballin' now nigga now watch me (watch me)
Ain't nothin' you can do to stop me (stop Me)
You niggas get so emotional (emotional)
You remind me of my bitch.
It's not in my nature to make a commitment so let me breathe,
But she doesn't understand catch attitudes when I leave her (leave her)
My old relations just make it harder for me to except her....
as my own she tries to tie up my phone and (phone and)
I'm not at home she's thinkin' that I'm not alone probably out tryin' to bone anything in the street
I let her know she can leave I ain't tryin to tie her up but see
it's hard to fuck with somebody after she touches me mami
I'm not your regular nigga I know the game (I know the game)
But I don't play by the rules I'm focusin' on my moves that way I'll never lose
See I can tell by your shoes if you attracted to Benz's with 22's
Say I confuse you play little tricks with your head
Catchin' feelin's ever since the first time I slept in your bed
I'm not here to tease you mislead you or mess up your dreams (nah)
I can't say I love you I dont know what that means
I'ma pimp.
[Chorus: (x2)]
Girl you know I like it when you climb on top
Love muscles feel tighter than a headlock
And you know I love the way you make the bed rock
Take me to extasy without taking Extasy
[Verse 2:]
When I first met her
I did anything to get her (what?)
Paid all her bills and filled the 'fridgerator (uh huh)
Reminiscin' on late nights when I try to lay up
but couldn't get off cause your baby would stay up
She even crashed the whip tryin' to switch in the third lane
That's when I realized this bitch was a bird brain
A pigeon writin' her baby pops in the box in the prison
Sing-sing is where he biddin'
She in the Gucci tights and Fendi high heels
Baby wipes and cans of Enfamil
Moter bike and grams of fish scale
It's a 9 to 5 niggas with no frills
Turnin' young niggas with princables to old men with debts
And all the prank calls was death threats that bitch had the best sex
All across the globe and the bitch head game was out of control
[Chorus: (x2)]
Girl you know I like it when you climb on top
Love muscles feel tighter than a headlock
And you know I love the way you make the bed rock
Take me to extasy without taking Extasy
[Verse 3:]
I'm wonderin' when I'm gone if you'll miss me (miss me)
or do you miss the Don Perion and the Cristy
I'm fuckin' with you
I'm feelin' your shape I'm feelin' your eyes
Later on I'm feelin' your ass and feelin' your thighs (come here baby)
Sweet heart your book smart and street smart (uh huh)
I knew you was my type from the very very start (yeah)
I'm into tongue kissin' and four play all day
Mama ain't home so the noise is okay
O.D.B you know he like it the raw way
Latex safe sex no hickeys on the neck
Now you learnin' (whoo)
The Lords blessin' makes me wiser as the world's turnin'
My tongue touch the right spot have your toes curlin'
Whether we're just kickin' it or sexin' (uh huh) I'm a pro baby girl I spit game to perfection (Yeah)
So when niggas make mistakes I correct them and
When niggas get out of line I check them man
[Chorus: (x2)]
Girl you know I like it when you climb on top
Love muscles feel tighter than a headlock
And you know I love the way you make the bed rock
Take me to extasy without taking Extasy
Don't think I forgot about your fat ass though Irv
Runnin' around takin' pictures like you Puff Daddy and the family mothafucka
And that bitch Charli Baltimore bitch look like she died last week pale as fuck
Paint her hair red think she gone sell records tryin' to impersonate Pink and shit bitch
Punk ass mothafuckas
All you mothafuckas get wrote on nigga
Ain't no mothafuckas leave her alone cause she a bitch fuck that nigga.
Fuck all of it but not you Ashanti baby you know how I feel about you baby (kiss) come on come here girl
Come on gimme some love girl
Fuck Irv Gotti you know how me and you do baby [laughs]
You know they say I'm sexy now
Hey Irv your mama got a thing for me.
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